recuerden que si el titulo del comic tiene '*' significa que en el link a amazon podran ver parte del comic...

No lo he leido... wikipedia nos da una idea de que trata: The eponymous central character is a normal man whose brain was transplanted into a large, stone body by aliens, and who lives an extraordinary life on Earth following his escape...
Al parecer este comic ha sido muy aclamado... y ha ganado varios premios incluyendo los afamados Eisner Awards (dato curioso... estos premios se dan en el Comic-Con International... asi que si les interesa un poco mas... aqui estan los nomiados de este año)

Lamento informar que este tampoco lo he leido... peeeeero... Amazon nos cuenta que: A grieving Scott Summers lost his true love Jean Grey, when she killed herself to save the world from the overpowering Phoenix. Now he's met Madeline Pryor, who has an uncanny likeness to his former love...very uncanny!
Meanwhile, Wolverine prepares for his marriage to the Japanese beauty, Mariko; Storm gets a new look and becomes the leader of a unlikely group of mutants; Kitty starts exploring her love for Peter/Colossus; and an enemy seeks help from the X-Men.
Dato curioso... Chris Claremont participo en la creacion de los siguientes personajes: Rogue, Psylocke, Shadowcat, Phoenix, Sabretooth, Mystique, Emma Frost, Jubilee, Rachel Summers, Mister Sinister y Gambit

jeje no lo he leido... y amazon (como siempre) nos ilustra: a collection of three Halloween stories involving Batman. In Fears, the Scarecrow returns to Gotham City, and he's turning the lights out for one scary Halloween. In Madness, that arch-villain the Mad Hatter is stealing children, and when he grabs Commissioner Gordon's daughter, it becomes personal. The final story is Ghosts, in which Bruce Wayne is visited by the ghost of his father, who warns him that three spirits will visit him for his own reformation; it's a Halloween version of the Christmas Carol, and Bruce hates seeing someone use his father's image - somebody needs to be taught a lesson, but who?

Creo que ya no les sorprende saber que tampoco lo haya leido... asi que vayamonos por lo que dice Amazon: A mischievous sock monkey named Uncle Gabby and his bumbling pal Drinky Crow are the heroes of this funny, unsettling, and oddly endearing collection. Follow Uncle Gabby and Drinky Crow as they try to find a home for a shrunken head, play matchmakers between the bat in the doll's house and the mouse in the basement, hunt salamanders, and try to get to heaven. Delights! Happy endings and random destruction are guaranteed!
Ok... suficiente por hoy... ya me enfade de estarme peleando con el editor de Blogger... soy yo o anda falseando?
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