From Zero to Hero

Friday, March 06, 2009

I just watched Slumdog Millionaire, I guess this would have been better before the Oscars haha, and I know that because of all the brouhaha this post isn't really necessary, so I'll keep it short.

This film was Directed by Danny Boyle (you got to love him for 28 days later, Trainspotting and Sunshine). Co-directed by Loveleen Tandan. The main characters where portrayed by Dev Patel and Freida Pinto.

Due to my lack of true inspiration (and if I send this to Draft it will never see the light of day) I'll just say, at first I totally sub estimated the film, the title didn't appeal to me and I didn't even bother to know who made it. After a while everyone was cheering for it, and eventually became the underdog for the Oscars and came out a winner. So I gave it the chance it deserved. And the verdict is: it's really good, and it deserves to be watched.

The story goes around this uneducated boy who ends up in Who wants to be a millionaire and actually starts winning. How does he know? Well, it's not what you think or at least, it wasn't what I expected. You'll get surprised, you'll be moved, I'm not sure if your laugh or cry (I don't remember laughing and I didn't cry), but in the end I recommend the movie. The story is good, and makes you cheer for the main character, so take a risk if you haven't seen it, Danny Boyle won't let you down ha ha. Enjoy!

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