You know you are a Star Wars fan...

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hey everyone... I have to admit... im a Star Wars fan also... and for that... I found an interesting page that shows you how to know when you are really into Star Wars... here is a small glimpse...

  • When you listen for Obi-Wan while attempting to parallel park.
  • Whenever you get in trouble, you mutter "I have a bad feeling about this." (Right Franky?)
  • You swear you saw Obi-Wan in your Cheerios.
  • When you unsuccessfully get the last cheerio in the bowl and instinctively mutter, "The Force is strong in this one."
  • You start to see visions of Ben Kenobi telling you to go to bed.
  • You can't resist to hum when you turn on a flashlight.
  • When someone talks about people getting abducted by little green men you say, "Yoda would never do such a thing!".
  • When, you're drunker than you've ever been in your life and still know that the possibilitiy of successfully navigating an asteroid field is 3,720 to one.
  • At the airport, when the clerk asks you if anyone else has handled your bag you say,"No, it's just me, the boy, two droids...and no questions asked".
  • You imitate Samuel L. Jackson saying: "Hand me my lightsaber. It's the one that says "Bad Motherf*cker."" (didnt get it? watch Pulp Fiction).
There are more in the web page... just be warned some comments are a little grotesque yet funny... and if you guys are Pulp Fiction fans... well here is a little treat... so until next time dear friends... ttfn tah tah for now!!

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