something to think... something to feel...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Has a movie ever made you cry?

Not because of how sad it made you feel... but more like it moved you... made you feel a tad envious of what the character feels or how he or she shows his or her feelings...

and yes... I'm speaking of love...

call me a romantic... call me naive... or whatever you want... but you have to admit... being in love and loved for is something that we all long for... and the people who have had that or have it right now... know... that there is nothing like the feeling of being loved and accepted for who you are... not the way you look or the way people see you... but for you...

and are there for you... as you are there for them...

right now I finished seeing two movies... autumn in new york and sweet november... I will give the review one day... but for now... I had the urge to say it...

to be in love is the best thing in the world... to be able to smile and share your time and afection... to look forward to seeing that person... even if you saw him or her a few minutes ago... to dream of a future... it can be something simple... like going to eat... movies... on a trip... it dosent matter... as long as you are with that person...

to have your heart race when you think of something you shared... a joke... a smile... a hug... words... whatever you want....

i dare say that the beatles we right... you can have all the posesions in the world and still feel empty... and you can be poor but feel like the richest person in the world... in the end... all you need is love...

oh i love, oh i love, oh i love what you do to my head
oh i love, oh i love, oh i love what you do to my heart

now to bed... sleepy time...
if nothing made any sense... i blame that its 1 am, I'm sleepy and emotional haha

2 people said...:

Jalex said...

Ines, you are talking about two very different things, love and infatuation.

Very hard to tell apart, love is very difficult to achieve, accepting a person just for what he/she is... Infatuation in the other hand, so overrated.

Be careful not to love a person because of what he/she makes you feel. Love is acceptance and respect, its forever. Infatuation are emotions and feelings... all feelings and emotions are no meant to last.

Unknown said...

Este bato de arriba sabe de que está hablando. Muy bien dicho.

He estado los últimos 8 años con la persona que amo, y no puedo agregar más que lo que ha dicho este amigo de arriba.
