
Monday, February 16, 2009

It's true, you don't need a particular day to say I love you, to share a kiss or a hug, to receive flowers or gifts, still, it feels nice. And it doesn't have to be expensive gifts, fine dinning and rare flowers. To have a small reminder like valentine's day to break your daily habit and share a tender moment with your loved one is something nice, to learn from it and not just make it once a year is priceless ha ha...

Changing the subject drastically yet still stuck in the overthinking part...

Today an MSN contact had his blog address as a nickname, I admit, I was curious, so I went in, gosh, it felt like I was reading his diary, where he poured his heart and soul into, I didn't read much, it felt too personal... I know, the concept of a blog is to share with the world what you feel or think, free speech, I'm not going against it, on the contrary I cheer for it, hey! I have a blog!... but going back to the event... I just felt like I had walked into an open room filled with letters to a lost love, with pictures of special things, memories and felt guilty about it, eventhough the door was open for anyone to walk in, the owner even made a sign for people to notice it, yet I can't help to feel like I shouldn't have read it, like it was not my place to be there.

Weird? yes. Been thinking too much? absolutely. Should get back to my studies? I'd better.

Just wanted to share... has anyone been there before?

2 people said...:

Unknown said...

overthinking FTW!


Emily said...
