Creepy Radio

Friday, February 20, 2009

I was about to go to bed, when I remembered that I also wanted to mention another movie, its a weird thriller called Frequency, came out in 2000, directed by Gregory Hobbit, wait, I mean Hoblit (couldn't help myself, my bad), starring Dennis Quaid and James Caviezel.

I know what you might be thinking, but bear with me, I know the name doesn't say much, I won't get into details or I will totally spoil the movie, the main concept is, there is a guy who can talk to his dead father through a radio, THERE, haha, I know I know, its not much, but really, I recommend you watch it, it made me sit on the edge of my seat all through the movie making up theories on where the movie will go. In short its a good movie, be a little open minded, don't over analize (or you'll hate it), sit back, relax, and make up weird theories.

The performances are good to get you tangled in the movie, even with the fact that James Caviezel will always be The Count of Monte Cristo to me haha (which is another good movie, long, but very entertaining, anywho, going back). The director seems really into the cop thriller type movies with big actor names, I haven't seen any of them so I really can't suggest more.

Oh well, I liked it so there :P Enjoy!

4 people said...:

marisol said...

Amo esa película, si no me equivoco, es una versión extendida de uno de los capítulos de Dimensión Desconocida.

Emily said...

:O! eso no lo sabia!

52X Max said...

del director, te puedo super recomendar Primal Fear, recomendarte Fallen y Fracture, y tmb puedes darle una ojeada a Untraceable, aunke no es mi maximo.

Esta fue la 1ra pelicula ke vi con Jim Caviezel, y desde entonces empecé a admirar el trabajo del Conde de Jesucristo... digo, ya sabes.

Muy buena muby, mucho mejor ke Butterfly Effect, ke toca los mismos temas, y ke en mi opinión está demasiado sobrevaluada.

Emily said...

Thanks! Buscare las movies :D