¿Eres hombre o mujer?
Here you are
Cata cata cata!
Caterpillar girl
(The Caterpillar)
However big I ever feel
It's never enough
Whatever I do to make it real
It's never enough
In any way I try to speak
It's never enough
(Never Enough)
¿Qué sienten las personas acerca de ti?
And you never know...
(Strange Attraction)
¿Cómo te sientes de ti mismo?
Kick out the gloom
Kick out the blues
Tear out the pages with all the bad news
Pull down the mirrors and pull down the walls
Tear up the stairs and tear up the floors
Oh just burn down the house!
Burn down the street!
Turn everything red and the beat is complete
With the sound of your world
Going up in the fire
It's a perfect day to throw back your head
And kiss it all goodbye!
(doing the unstuck)
¿Cómo describirías tu anterior relación sentimental?
Remember me and smile...
Describe la relación con tu actual novio / novia o pretendiente:
You glow inside my head
You hold me hypnotized
I'm mesmerized...
(the caterpillar)
¿Dónde quisieras estar ahora?
And so we watch the sun come up
From the edge of the deep green sea
(from the edge of the deep green sea)
¿Cómo eres con respecto al amor?
No-one will ever take your place
I am lost in you
No-one will ever take your place
So in love with you
I lift my eyes from watching you
To watch the star rise shine onto
Your dreaming face and dreaming smile
You're dreaming worlds for me
(this twilight garden)
¿Cómo es tu vida?
So dizzy mr busy - too much rush to talk to billy
All the silly frilly things have to first get done
In a minute - sometime soon - maybe next time - make it june
(cut here)
¿Qué pedirías si tuvieras un solo deseo?
To wish impossible things...
(to wish imposible things)
Escribe alguna cita o frase sabia.
"if you die" you said "so do i" you said
But it ends the day you understand
There is no if... just and
(there is no if)
Ahora despídete
Goodbye sugar girl
(sugar girl)
Robert Smith's image was taken from a fan web page, I don't know who took it, kudos to him/her, I love it :D
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