The real thing

Monday, November 15, 2010

Today I just finished watching "The Social Network", to be sincere, I was depressed, in part, due to my current situation, I'm working as a freelance, and also because I'm sick and tired of this job, not only do you get terrible offerings, but they ask for for the perfect app and pay like crap. Maybe I'm saying this because of all I've seen in this industry, maybe I'm just pissed at the world.


I confess to be reading Eat, Pray and Love, yes, the girly book, that one. And well, I'm liking it so far, in an odd way it really does distract me from my 2 hr insane journey from home to their offices. I wish I had the liberty to just travel and find myself again. One thing I'm sure of, I was wrong when I decided to be a Computer Science major. I'm not made to be inside an office. I work for the day I don't have to work in this anymore. I'd gladly leave this profession for good.

What do you want to do now?

Get my damn camera, which has been eluding me for months, and just photograph, that's my dream. I might die from starvation. But at least I'd die happy.

So this is it. What's on my mind. Bah Humbug.

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